Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Home canning... New York style

Ah, the food movement... bringing cooks and farmers closer together and helping people eat fresh, simple, homemade meals, and learning to put up fresh produce and enjoy it throughout the winter. It's the 1970s homesteading movement reborn.

The dear people of New York Times take a classier, if impractical, view of what 'do-it-yourself' cooking is about...

"If you live in an apartment, or tend to let surplus vegetables die in the crisper drawer, you may think that the do-it-yourself food movement does not apply to you. Not so. Making some of your own staples — and a few luxuries, like chocolate-hazelnut paste or better-than-balsamic maple vinegar — is possible, and enormously gratifying."

So, I love the concept. Everyone should get-a-cooking. But since when is Chinese Chili-Scallion Oil or lemons-in-a-jar make-at-home necessities?

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