Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gardening for personal food sovereignty

The Bovine, a Canadian blog focusing on the legal battle against raw milk, ran an interesting article on food sovereignty by Ellen LaConte. While the article comes off a bit too strong for my liking, LaConte offers five reasons that individuals should garden for personal food sovereignty - from oil to monoculture. I'm excited to read her upcoming article on the different terrains of gardening - urban, community, suburban, and more. Take a look, and let me know what you think!

"Under the influence and auspices of the prevailing economy, most Americans have forgotten how to provide for themselves. We've become accustomed to earning money with which we buy provisions. That process is about the have the legs kicked out from under it. Instead of earning money (or its funny-money kin like credit cards) to buy the things we need, we'll need to start providing more of those things for ourselves and each other locally and (bio)regionally. Gardening -- and small-scale farming -- while they will need to be undertaken in a businesslike fashion will be less about doing business than about everyone's having something to eat and more people being busy providing it. And while not everyone will be able to garden or farm, we are all able to get up close and personal with those who do."


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